A glimpse of literary India

And, I’m back. It’s been done before – the blogger goes missing and the blog-sphere either heaves a sigh of relief or wonders at the mystery of the disappearance, fervently wishing for a comeback. In my case, I’m hoping the former didn’t happen. I don’t think the latter happened either but anyway this is the comeback, and whether the blog-sphere likes it or not remains to be seen. 😀

So what’s in the comeback post? (Now that I’m here, this is my chance to inflict something on unsuspecting readers). Well, we’re back on the trail. Except that it’s not restricted to a place alone and in fact, spans the country. I figured I would make something I haven’t seen in a while – a tiny map of India. Not the usual kind, I see that everywhere. I wanted to create a tiny glimpse of what literary India looks like. What do you think it looks like? I thought of the literary greats, but also of the contemporary favourites and the ones who may be wonderful but perhaps not universally loved. And I wanted to show it all! But, this is just a glimpse (and perhaps my graphic skills also can’t take me too far). So, here goes, a tiny map of what’s special about literary India. Tell me what you think!
